Fruitful-Berries is a premium commercial partner specialised in: Sourcing, growing, packing and supplying berries all over the world. Quality, flexibility, and longterm partnerships are our key values!
We implement our quality-oriented service provision approach down and up to production and customer level. In addition, we are able to continuously deliver a daily fresh product 52 weeks a year.
However, our mission extends beyond a focus on quality alone. Sustainability, social compliance and climate impact are also subjects to which we devote a great deal of attention.
As a company, our main objective is to create added value for the entire production chain. Added value in terms of continuity and reliability at product level, but also in terms of packaging innovation and competitive price and sale approach. These are the core values we want to offer to our customers. We, our growers and farms guarantee you a perfectly finished end product every hour of every day, 365 days a year.

Fruitful-Berries profiles itself as a berry specialist within the global market. The berry sector is a niche market that is gaining in importance and that lives among young and old. For Fruitful-Berries, red fruit is not just a product of many, it is the basis of our DNA. Product expertise is what we stand for.